Vision: Training the worlds best
Hyperbaric Medicine physicians.
Mission: To sustain world-class physician training
in Hyperbaric Medicine with special emphasis in military operations (in war and in
Course Number: B5OZY48A4-001
Location: USAF School of Aerospace Medicine,
Brooks City-Base, Texas
Course Duration: 12 Months
Personnel Trained: Determined by the annual
physician specialty forecast board and the yearly Joint Graduate Medical Education Board.
Fellowship Prerequisites: Doctor of Medicine or
Osteopathy, unencumbered professional credentials, residency training, and either
documented full board eligibility or board certification in a medical specialty acceptable
to the Joint GME Selection Board; no particular specialty board certification is given
preference over another. AF applicants must have completed the Aerospace Medicine Primary
course (initial flight surgeons course available to all AF physicians) to be
Class Size: 2 Air Force and up to 2 additional
Fellows chosen from sister services or Allied military physicians - - maximum 4 total
Fellows per year.
Class Schedule: One class per year - - 1 July - 30
June. RNLT 25 June.
Course Content:
- The USAF Hyperbaric Medicine Fellowship is a training program designed to prepare
physicians for the practice of Clinical Hyperbaric Medicine. It is a broad-based, intense
study of Hyperbaric and Hypobaric Physiology, Diving Medicine, and Clinical Hyperbaric
Medicine. In addition, there is significant emphasis on military operational problems
derived from excursions within the vertical continuum of pressure, extending from the
ocean floor to outer space.
- This course of study provides specialized training to select physicians in the
discipline of Clinical and Operational Hyperbaric Medicine. This includes diving and
aviation medicine as it relates to decompression sickness and bubble-related diseases,
fitness to dive considerations, dive operations, decompression tables, and chamber safety.
In depth experience with clinical processes are covered in the fellowship including the
emergent care of acute soft tissue infections (i.e., necrotizing infections), acute
ischemic conditions (i.e., compromised flaps), carbon monoxide poisoning, chronic
radiation-related necrosis, and complicated non-healing wounds, among others. Duties
include daily wound care, hyperbaric medicine consultations (i.e., taking call up to every
other week in frequency), teaching, and research. While on call, fellows are primary
responders with 100% staff back-up and review and consultation immediately available on
every case.
- In-depth knowledge of hyperbarics is provided in a structured environment that includes
reading requirements, outside clinic rotations, staff/fellow conferences, and formal
courses. Practical patient management skills are obtained through daily patient care, case
presentations, new patient evaluations, and on-call duties.
- Opportunities for research are available in clinical, laboratory, and basic science
areas. Primary research, while an excellent learning experience, is not required due to
the brief year allotted for the fellowship. Obtaining fundamental background
experience in setting up or implementing a study is required. This includes but is not
limited to performing background literature searches, writing protocols, participating in
institutional review board meetings, writing and submission of abstracts, and presenting
reports of research studies at scientific meetings where possible.
- Required rotations and formal courses include: The Jefferson C. Davis Wound Care
and Hyperbaric Medicine Center (San Antonio, TX), NOAA Dive Medical Officer Course
(Yorktown, VA or Seattle, WA), (cme: 82 cat I hrs), Primary Training in Hyperbaric
Medicine (Columbia, SC), (cme: 40 cat I hrs), Monoplace Chamber Operations, U. Texas HSC
(San Antonio, TX), Surgical Burn Management, Brooke Army Medical Center (San Antonio, TX),
Recognition and Treatment of Diving Casualties at the Naval Diving and Salvage Training
Center (Panama City), (cme: 63 cat I hrs).
Fellowship Specifics and Requirements:
Facilities: Davis Hyperbaric Laboratory has three hyperbaric chambers available for
patient care. A twelve-place chamber provides primary treatment capabilities for patient
care. Our four-place "Panama" chamber is available for overflow or unique,
patient specific requirements. A Sechrist monoplace chamber provides additional scheduling
flexibility, and provider experience.
- Patient Population: Patients are beneficiaries of military care. They are
referred for care from Wilford Hall Medical Center, Brooke Army Medical Center, the
Institute of Surgical Research, and the Audie Murphy VA Hospital. There is a significant
population of diabetic wounds, radiation injuries, and osteomyelitis; however, nearly all
UHMS approved diagnoses are encountered during the year. Annual patient count averages at
least 125; an annual hyperbaric patient treatment count in excess of 2500 and a diverse
wound care count of 3000 is our normal load.
- Duration of Training: The Fellowship is a 1-year block of training. The Fellow is
allowed up to 3 weeks leave at the discretion of the Director.
- Number of Fellows: Up to two (2) USAF Fellows are trained annually. In addition,
there are two (2) training positions reserved for US Army/US Navy physicians or military
physicians of Allied nations. Thus, a total of four (4) Fellows may be trained annually.
- Fellow Prerequisites: Fellows are required to be Board Eligible or Board
Certified in a Primary Care or Surgical Specialty. The Aerospace Medicine Primary Course
(initial Flight Surgeon's course) is required of all AF applicants. Allied nation
physicians are selected after CV and credentials review on a case-by-case, best qualified
- Daily Responsibilities: Each Fellow will spend the bulk of their training time
caring for patients. This includes daily wound care, patient referral evaluations, and
worldwide telephone consultations. Throughout these functions, the Fellows are under the
direct supervision of USAFSAM Staff Hyperbaricists. During these functions, appropriate
charting is expected. The Fellows work with the Staff as a team. There is no tolerance of
responsibility shifting. The Fellow will become expert in the use and interpretation of
Doppler ankle-arm pressure measurements, laser Doppler skin perfusion pressure
measurements and transcutaneous oxygen measurements. The Fellow can expect to
"dive" with patients 1-2 times monthly. When on-call as Medical Officer of the
Week (MOW), the Fellow ensures all daily charting is complete, completes weekly progress
notes, and produces the weekly Formal Patient Progress Report (FPPR). This FPPR is
presented during a weekly staff conference at the end of the call week (the MOW report).
Once presented, a copy becomes part of the Unit Record, and serves as a 100% QA/peer
review of our patient management plans.
- Reading Responsibilities: The Fellow is expected to complete an intense reading
program within his/her initial four months. This includes the textbooks: Diving
Medicine, Problem Wounds, Hyperbaric Medicine Safety, and Hyperbaric
Medicine Practice. In addition, there is a large collection of articles that address
Hyperbaric Medicine issues in the annually updated Primary Reader. Journal Club
provides an additional opportunity to review these and other materials amongst the basic
science and clinical staff. The Fellow is expected to read such additional literature as
is necessary for him/her to perform their duties.
- Teaching/Research Responsibilities: Each Fellow is required to present lectures
for the Hyperbaric Medicine Academic Training Course(s) provided by the staff during the
year. In addition, Fellows are expected to present a formal didactic lecture at a
Staff/Fellow Conference each semester. A total of two presentations are required during
the year. This is an in-depth examination of some aspect of Hyperbaric Medicine. Although
not primarily required, Fellows are encouraged to participate in developing protocols in
an area of either clinical or basic science research. Research, if completed, could be
presented at an academic meeting of UHMS, etc. As a minimum, the Fellow will gain research
experience by active participation and/or review of subjects and patients entering into
on-going clinical or physiology-based research protocols.
- Call Responsibilities: Each Fellow takes Primary Call throughout his/her training
year. This includes performing clinical patient evaluations & consultations, directing
chamber operations, participating as inside chamber observer/tender, administering daily
wound care, preparing weekly patient reports, leading the MOW report discussion, and
providing worldwide telephone consultations. Generally, the Fellow can expect to be
On-Call for a 1-week period, at maximum, every other week.
Training Requirements:
- Daily Patient Duties: Includes patient wound care, patient evaluations, worldwide
consultations, on-call responsibilities, charting and report preparation responsibilities.
- Patient Case Load: Minimum training standards are set for the purpose of assuring
the most basic preparatory experience is obtained to function independently as an
efficient and knowledgeable clinical hyperbaricist.
- Required supervised patient evaluations are:
HBO consultations: 25
Transcutaneous oximetry: 25
Peripheral Pulse Exams: 25
Remote (telephonic/electronic) hyperbaric consults: 25
- Required supervised patient treatments are:
HBO patient treatment dives: 100
Wound care interactions (debridements): 100
While these are the minimum requirements, a fellow will typically see or perform 200%
to 400% or more of these of clinical activities during the term of their fellowship.
- Newsletter Duties: The USAF Hyperbaric Newsletter has been replaced by the
Hyperbaric Medicine Case of the Month presentation, for subsequent publication on
the web site. Each Fellow is required to prepare four cases, two per semester.
Hyperbaric Training Course (HTC): Each Fellow completes this initial hyperbaric
course at Brooks early in the Fellowship. This ensures a common information baseline, and
serves as a template for their future teaching responsibilities in the course.
NOAA/UHMS Physicians Diving Medicine Course: Each Fellow attends this two week
course in Diving Medicine cosponsored by NOAA and the UHMS. This serves as a foundation
for the treatment of operationally acquired DCS and AGE as well as provides formal
training in saturation, mixed-gas, commercial and scientific diving.
Introductory/Primary Training in Hyperbaric Medicine: Each Fellow attends a one week
course. This supplements the foundation in Hyperbaric Medicine that has been formed up to
this point, focusing on civilian monoplace chamber protocols, presenting a different
approach to the patient. This is invaluable, as it represents the environment commonly
found by the field-level flight surgeon in his/her civilian support community.
- University of Texas Health Science Center-SA: Each Fellow spends up to one week
at this busy monoplace unit. Here critically ill patients with severe infective processes
can be seen which require in-house hyperbaric support.
Jefferson C. Davis Hyperbaric and Wound Care Center: Each Fellow spends up to a week
at this busy private multiplace unit---Methodist Hospital and the Nix Hospital. Here, they
will meet and interact with some of the gurus of modern Hyperbaric Medicine.
Institute of Surgical Research---Brooke Army Burn Unit: Each Fellow spends a one to
two week rotation. Here, they will see one of the most devastating injuries that humans
can experience. This is both an operational and a wound care experience.
Recognition and Treatment of Diving Casualties---NDSTC: Each Fellow attends this
intense two week course taught by the US Navy at the Navy Diving and Salvage Training
Center. Training is geared towards the care of the operational diver.
Travis AFB: Each Fellow will rotate for a week to experience the inpatient milieu of
our hospital-based USAF Hyperbaric Medicine Department. Here, he/she can work with DHL
Fellowship-trained USAF physicians using an 18-place chamber.
UHMS Annual Meeting: Each Fellow may attend this meeting to better appreciate the
breadth of Hyperbaric Medicine. Here, they can meet many of the luminaries of modern
international Hyperbaric Medicine. They are encouraged, but not required, to prepare data
for an abstract or a poster presentation.
Miscellaneous: Each year opportunities for specialized courses and clinical
experiences appear unexpectedly. The Fellowship remains flexible to those opportunities.
This allows maximum promise for exceptional training.
Core Knowledge Competency:
- History of Undersea and Hyperbaric Medicine
- Physiology:
- oxygen physiology in normobaric, hyperbaric, and hypobaric environments
- oxygen toxicity
- CO2 and CO physiology and pathophysiology
- inert gas physiology and dynamics
- mixed gas breathing and saturation physiology
- effects of hyperbaric oxygen on inside observer denitrogenation
- Physics
- Gas laws (Boyle, Henry, Dalton, Guy Lussac, Pascal)
- Partial pressures
- Effects of compression and decompression
- Absorption and release of inert gases
Hypobaric and Hyperbaric Environments:
- human performance and adaptation
- medical standards and exam for working personnel
- recognition and treatment of related disease entities
Decompression Illness:
- pathophysiology of decompression sickness and arterial gas embolism caused by hypobaric,
hyperbaric, or iatrogenic exposures
- theory and application of decompression tables
- effect of hyperbaric oxygen on all forms of gas bubble disease
Radiation Tissue Damage:
- pathophysiology of ionizing radiation
- osteoradionecrosis and soft tissue radionecrosis
- effect of hyperbaric oxygen on irradiated tissues
Toxic Gases:
- pathophysiology of toxic gases with emphasis on CO and CN
- effect of hyperbaric oxygen on toxic gas exposure
Ischemia-reperfusion Injury:
- pathophysiology of ischemia-reperfusion injury
- emphasis is crush injury, compartment syndrome, failing grafts/flaps,
- thermal burns
- effect of hyperbaric oxygen on ischemia-reperfusion injury
- pathophysiology of infection and infection control
- emphasis is clostridial gas gangrene, necrotizing soft tissue infections,
- refractory chronic osteomyelitis, intracranial abscess
- effect of hyperbaric oxygen on infection
Wound Healing:
- physiology of normal wound healing
- pathophysiology of abnormal wound healing
- techniques for managing complicated nonhealing wounds
- effect of hyperbaric oxygen on wound healing dynamics
Exceptional Blood Loss Anemia:
- pathophysiology of acute blood loss
- transfusion science and reasons for no transfusion
- effect of hyperbaric oxygen on exceptional blood loss anemia
Patient Care:
- comprehensive evaluation of the clinical hyperbaric medicine patient
- management of critically ill and emergent patients in the hyperbaric environment
- expertise in the performance and interpretation of transcutaneous oxygen
- measurements and ankle-brachial indices
Chamber Operations:
- multiplace and monoplace chamber operations
- emergency procedures
- safety considerations in the hypobaric and hyperbaric environments
- effects of hypobaric and hyperbaric environments on medical and technical equipment
- use of drugs in hypobaric and hyperbaric environments
- economic aspects of hyperbaric medicine
- controversial aspects of hyperbaric medicine
- research aspects of hyperbaric medicine
- research & development of operational hyperbaric medicine deployment models
Fellow Evaluations: Upon matriculation, each
Fellow will take a test to assess their present Hyperbaric Medical knowledge. This serves
as a baseline for future evaluations. More importantly, each quarter there is an in-depth
one-on-one evaluation with the director to evaluate progress and give and receive
feedback. At the completion of the fellowship, each Fellow receives a formal End-of-Course
Training Evaluation which remains on permanent file. The Fellow is expected to complete a
formal Course Evaluation to enhance future course curriculum.
Staff/Fellow Conferences: These conferences are
formal academic presentations. Lectures are presented on a regular basis, usually monthly.
The Fellow will present one lecture per semester on a selected topic. Faculty or guest
lecturers will provide the rest of the monthly lectures. There is a wealth of local
clinical expertise available, and upon occasion, a visiting professor may be able to
USAF Hyperbaric Newsletter: The Newsletter is a
medium through which academic information--both basic science and clinical---is
disseminated throughout DoD facilities. Topics may be selected from Basic Science,
Clinical Medicine, Diving Medicine, Hyperbaric Operations, Hyperbaric Nursing, and
Hyperbaric Technology. It is published once or twice annually with each issue containing
an article by each Fellow.
Research and Program Highlights: There is
significant opportunity to participate in original research, however, this, per se` is not
required by the Fellow. The fellowship requirements are covered above.
- Basic science facilities include a world class research lab. Equipment includes
capabilities for confocal laser microscopy, hi-flow cytometry, high pressure liquid
chromatography, and molecular biology capability. Polymerase chain reaction capability,
mRNA probes, and cell culture maintenance are also performed. Ph.D. scientists and
associated technical lab specialists are actively pursuing the cellular effects of
hyperbaric oxygen, looking at biomarkers in disease and healing.
- Clinical investigations are ongoing, currently examining possible HBO effects in Central
Retinal Artery Occlusion, and reversing the effects of radiation exposure. Other avenues
of investigation remain open to the enthusiastic researcher. All research must undergo
Institutional Review Board approval to meet the necessary accepted standards.
Investigators participates in the Good Clinical Practices training course
administered by the FDA.
- Our institution has the distinction of being the point of contact for clinical
hyperbaric medicine for the US Department of Defense. We are also consultants to NASA in
space operations for questions related to mixed gas breathing, and decompression sickness
prevention/treatment. We have teaching and research relationships with The University of
Texas Health Science Center in San Antonio; Clinical Investigations Division, Wilford Hall
Medical Center, Lackland AFB, TX; Institute of Surgical Research, Ft Sam Houston, TX; The
University of Texas, Austin; Wright State University, Dayton, OH; Medical College of Ohio,
Toledo; USAF Academy, Colorado Springs, CO; Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee;
Southern Illinois University, Springfield; Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge; and
The University of South Carolina, Columbia. Our faculty has membership in various
professional local, state, and national organizations. Dr Wolf, chairs the Southwest Texas
Research Consortium which meets in San Antonio. Dr Bertoldo is a member of the Joint
Military GME Selection Board which meets annually in Washington, DC and serves on the UHMS
education committee. Dr Zwart is the hyperbaric medicine consultant to the USAF Surgeon
General, and to the Lead Agent for the DoD in Clinical Hyperbaric Medicine. Dr Wright is a
fellow of the American College of Surgeons, holds an Associate Clinical Professorship in
Surgery at the University of Oklahoma Medical School, and heads our clinical
investigations program.
- Our division chief (Col James Dooley, PhD) and all faculty members sit on the DoD's
Joint Advisory Committee on Clinical Hyperbaric Medicine. Faculty members regularly advise
residents on research projects, publish in peer-reviewed journals, and present at
internationally attended scientific meetings.
- The following is a list of current interest areas:
- The effect of hyperbaric oxygen on the healing of diabetic ulcers
- The effect of hyperbaric oxygen on the recovery from central retinal artery occlusion
- The effect of hyperbaric oxygen on the healing of skin grafts in rats
- The effect of hyperbaric oxygen on the healing of fractures in rabbits
- The effect of hyperbaric oxygen on the healing of skin grafts in pigs
- The effect of hyperbaric oxygen on carpal tunnel syndrome in humans
- The effect of hyperbaric oxygen on long bone fractures in humans
- The effect of hyperbaric oxygen on acute peripheral nerve lacerations in humans
- The effect of hyperbaric oxygen on ischemia-reperfusion injury wounds in the pig
latissimus dorsi flap
- The effect of hyperbaric oxygen on brown recluse spider bites in humans
- The effect of hyperbaric oxygen on acute blood loss in the rabbit
- The effect of hyperbaric oxygen on erectile dysfunction in post-radical prostatectomy
Rotators: USAFSAM/FEH provides other
clinical training opportunities as well:
Fellows: Reciprocal training agreements are arranged with Hyperbaric Medicine at
Residents: At present, there is time and space available for resident rotations.
These have been very well received. Recently the Residents in Aerospace Medicine (RAM)
have been reincorporated into a 2-week hyperbaric medicine rotation during their second
year of training. Rotations have been offered to ER and OMS residents at Wilford
Medical Students: Rotations are available. Initial interest has been shown by USUHS
students and appropriate letters have been sent. USAFA cadets and UTHSC-SA students have
Nursing Students: UTHSC-SA nursing student classes regularly visit.
Visiting Physicians: Rotations have been arranged at the visiting physician's
request. Thus far, they have been very successful.
Name: Benton P. Zwart, MD, MPH
Rank: Col, USAF, MC, CFS
Title: Chief, Clinical Operations Branch
Hyperbaric Medicine Consultant to the
USAF Surgeon General
Medical Education: University of Connecticut; Farmington, Connecticut
Board Certified: Occupational Medicine
Aerospace Medicine
Undersea and Hyperbaric Medicine
* * * * * * * * * * *
Name: Robert N. Bertoldo, DO, MPH
Rank: Col, USAF, MC, SFS
Title: Chief, Clinical Education
Director, Hyperbaric Medicine Fellowship
Medical Education: University of Health Sciences
College of Osteopathic Medicine
Kansas City, Missouri
Board Certified: Family Practice
Aerospace Medicine
Undersea and Hyperbaric Medicine
* * * * * * * * * * *
Name: James K. Wright, MD, FACS
Rank: Col, USAF, MC, FS
Title: Chief, Clinical Research
Medical Education: University of Chicago; Chicago, IL
Board Certified: General Surgery
Plastic Surgery
Hand Surgery
Undersea and Hyperbaric Medicine (board eligible)
* * * * * * * * * * *
Name: Larry P. Krock, PhD
Rank: PhD (GS-15)
Title: Chief Scientist, USAF School of Aerospace Medicine
Doctorate Training: Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas
Primary Research Interests:
Cellular mechanisms for differentiation and proliferation in an ischemic milieu
Immune response maintaining physiological homeostasis during exposure to stressful
environmental conditions
Chronic delayed-healing wound model for hyperbaric medicine
Noninvasive assessment of physiological change during wound healing
General physiological responses to environmental stress
* * * * * * * * * * *
Name: John E. Kalns
Rank: Ph.D.
Title: Research Scientist
Doctorate Training: Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon
Primary Research Interests: The focus of current research is in the effect of oxygen on
cellular processes involved in tissue repair and remodeling. Areas of interest include
studies examining the role of oxygen induced alterations in gene and protein expression in
cells obtained from patients treated with HBO, animals exposed to various types of
injuries including directed energy exposure (microwave and laser), and in vitro
tissue culture models. The goals of these studies are to determine how HBO can be used as
primary or adjunctive treatment of disease states characterized by acute ischemia (crush
injury, flap failure, burn, stroke, organ transplant) or chronic hypoxia (non-healing
dermal wounds). Another major research interest is development of surrogate markers of
tissue repair and injury. Surrogate markers may prove useful in wound healing treatment
optimization and in definition and evaluation of novel treatment paradigms.
Adjunct Faculty:
Name: E. George Wolf Jr, MD
Rank: Col (retired), USAF, MC, CFS
Title: Past Chief, Hyperbaric Medicine Division
Past Chair, Department of Force Enhancement
Medical School Training: University of Alabama, Birmingham, Alabama
Board Certified: Aerospace Medicine
Hyperbaric Medicine (board eligible)
* * * * * * * * * * *
Name: Andrew Pilmanis
Rank: Ph.D.
Title: Research Scientist, High Altitude Protection Laboratory, Air Force Research
Research Interests: NASA-related research focusing on physiologic responses to exposure to
artificial atmospheres; various mixed gases, ambient pressures, under various workload
* * * * * * * * * * *
Name: James T. Webb
Rank: Ph.D.
Title: Research Scientist, High Altitude Protection Laboratory, Air Force Research
Research Interests: High altitude physiology and decompression sickness; pathophysiology
and countermeasures.
* * * * * * * * * * *
Point of Contact: Robert N. Bertoldo,
Director, Hyperbaric Medicine Fellowship
Phones: DSN: 240-3281
(210) 536-3281 Voice
-2944 Fax
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